A painful, achy neck can interfere with your quality of life. Enhance Center, located in Livonia, Michigan, and Clinton Township, Michigan, offers expert diagnosis to pinpoint the root cause of your neck pain and set you on the road to recovery. Our team provides a range of effective therapies, including injections with natural materials and radiofrequency ablation. To find out whether you might benefit from one of these treatments or others, call to book a consultation today at 248-900-1555.
Your neck, part of the cervical spine, is composed of seven vertebrae supported by muscles, discs, nerves, and tissues. This complex structure makes your neck vulnerable to injuries and conditions that cause pain. Common causes of neck pain include:
Our team begins with a comprehensive medical history and physical exam to evaluate your symptoms. To pinpoint the cause of your neck pain, we may recommend a series of diagnostic tests, such as:
Once we identify the location and cause of the irritated nerve root or mechanical issue, we create a customized treatment plan to minimize your symptoms. Your treatment plan may include:
Epidural Steroid Injections
These injections combine an anesthetic and steroid, administered into the epidural space surrounding your spine to reduce inflammation and pain.
Facet Injections
Facet injections are administered into the small facet joints in your spine to treat pain from arthritis or injury, using a combination of an anesthetic and steroid.
Facet Radiofrequency Ablation
This minimally invasive procedure uses a small electrical current to disrupt your nerve’s ability to send pain signals. Fluoroscopy helps us pinpoint the right nerve for treatment.
Trigger Point Injections
Trigger point injections involve injecting small amounts of a steroid and anesthetic into a knot in your muscle. We may also use natural injectables like Traumeel or Spascupreel®.
Ready for Relief? - If you’re ready to be free of neck pain, find out if you might be a candidate for one of these treatments or others. Call today to schedule a consultation with Enhance Center and take the first step toward a pain-free life.
Need treatment?
If you're struggling with pain and need treatment, our team at Enhance Center is here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your journey towards relief and improved mobility
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